Tips to Save Yourself From Drowning

Drowning is of the major cause of death all around the world. Even best swimmers can drown due to various reasons. You should know your capability before getting in the water. There are few tips to be followed to keep you safe from drowning.

Know the Water Well

If the water is extremely cold then you can immediately get affected by it. It is mandatory that you test the water before you plunge into it. The water can also be extremely icy cold on a very hot day as well. The current is also another factor which can pull you in and not let you out. So, if you are planning on rafting or any other water adventure then it is mandatory that you wear life jackets. Find out about the water from experts before starting your journey. Avoid high running water as they are quite dangerous as well.

Respect Sign Boards

The public swimming areas have sign boards which warms the swimmers about the rough areas. People like to get in there for the thrill or to show off their ability, but a lot of lost their lives due to their own lack of judgment. It is very important that you respect signs boards which can keep you safe and also avoid any unnecessary mishaps.

Remember your Swimming Capability

You are the only person to assess your ability. It is important that you know the depth and temperature of the water that you are getting into. If you are not confident then it you should wear life jacket. There is a lot of peer pressure involved which makes people jump off the cliff but when you are nervous you might panic and start to drown. So, only when you are confident get into the water else stay away or wear flotation devices.

People drown within seconds and if they do not have timely help then they might lose their life. You do not have to help a drowning person if you are not very good in swimming but remember to for help immediately so that others can rescue them. When you are not good at swimming and try to rescue drowning victim then there are chances that you might end up drowning as well.

Be Aware of Your Senses when in Water

A lot of swimmers drown in water because they either become unconscious or get cramps or stroke. When you are in deep water, even before you come to your senses you start to drown. It is best to be aware and get out of the water when you are too tired. Do no push yourself as it is not worth it as your life should be important than proving something. A lot of people have got cramps in water and drowned, such people were always experienced swimmers.

Never take any sort of chances when in water. Wear life jackets when you enter water levels that you are not very comfortable or do not feel safe. Check the water before diving head on as there have been many cases of many spine injuries due to it. Always have a companion in when you swim so that you can look out for each other. Follow certain protocols to enjoy water without any danger.

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