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The original goal behind, "Drowned"© was to work toward informing the public about drowning dangers and how we can all work together to stop these tragedies from happening. We feel like this is a worthy goal and we will continue to have articles about these subjects. However, we have begun to realize that Drowned needs to have more than one focus than our original vision. 1). We need YOUR input. 2). Share with us what happened in your own tragedy? 3). How can we help you? 4). How can we help each other? 5). Have a blog where we can all learn from each other’s experiences on this difficult topic.

This change in Drowned has occurred from reading and hearing hundreds of victim’s stories. The salient point is this: Drowning is an accident. We had all made the erroneous assumption that MOST drowning’s are preventable. Guess what? They ARE. But, how can a mother anticipate that her 7 month old, who has never crawled before, will crawl out the doggy door into the backyard and drown in the little blue, soft plastic wading pool? She can’t anticipate that. How can the babysitter make sure that the 10 year old she is babysitting will not drown when she sends him in to the bathroom to shower before bed? Just like she has every Tuesday night for the last 3 years, she says, “Hurry Robbie, run and shower before your mom and dad get home, and I’ll help you do your reading homework.” She knocks 20 minutes later and there is no answer.

The plain facts are these: Most drowning’s are preventable…in HIND SIGHT! Just like a terrible car accident may have been preventable if you knew that a massive SUV was going to come through the red light, you would have stopped!
Please join with us as we work to lessen the emotional and financial devastation brought on by a drowning.
Recovery Stories

13 years old boy Da’Quan Yewell drowned and died on an unofficial trip to the Deam Lake. His family has reported that he was on a trip with his school friends….

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The family members of a 20 years old lady named Michelle Runkle registered a case against the Columbia city and The Links at Columbia apartment….

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Family members of a 14 years old boy Antonio Reyes registered a case on Monday after Antonio drowned during his gym class in the last month.

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